Thursday, July 3, 2008

Instructions for getting new links


Recently we had some technical issues with our new affiliate center.

The links from that affiliate center are no longer valid, and you may disregard them.

If you had signed up as an affiliate of Entrepreneur Days, with our new affiliate center, you will need to sign up for our 1 shopping cart affiliate center in order for you to have the right affiliate links.

You may register here Affiliate Signup Page

Be sure to watch the video we posted on how to register as an affiliate if you have any problems with registration.

The video also shows how to test your affiliate link to make sure it is working properly.

If you have been an affiliate of Educating For Success in the past and still have an account with us for our 1 shopping cart affiliate program, then you may continue using that account, and your links will work properly.

You may login to an existing account here. My Account

If you have problems with this, let us know, and we'll be happy to help you.

Rhea's Tech Support

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